The Disappearance of good heart Joe



The Disappearance Of Good Heart Joe is a modern day old fashioned fairytale about the life of four young people during the Christmas season in a huge city.

Drama & Humor

It’s a Robin Hood story. It’s The Wire. It’s The Sopranos. It’s more than that. It’s a story about YOU!!!!! A Libretto written by Elian De Montcorbier.


21 songs, duets, trio’s and quartets. In Symphonic Settings, 70’s 80’s Rock and Pop. Composed by Stanislaw Kirner.

The Cast

The Rock Pop Opera.


Constance.  Fulltime fuck up and Dartan’s girlfriend.


Salko. Drug dealer and brother of Constance.



Sheila. Runs The Hood, a local bar. Salko’s girlfriend.


Dartan. Poet, drug addict and Salko’s best friend.


The Music

Stanislaw Kirner has used his strength and intelligence to provide the opera with music that relates back to the 1970s and 1980s. Apart from writing the concept  Stanislaw also made sure that it is not just rock music but also pop and symphonic. This is to build in an arsis and thesis so that as a listener you don’t just hear the same genre. In other words, a versatile opera. Let yourself be surprised.

Stanislaw Kirner

Graduated as a classical pianist and passed with verve for harmony. His compositional qualities can be traced back to many songs and assignments he has composed in the past. Besides being a great musician, he has also taken on the mixing, mastering, design and video.


The script has great significance for this society. Everyday problems with drugs are included in the opera and can be very intense for visitors. These is also the world and it’s problems. It takes you into a world of incredibleness, along with beautiful music that gives the story even more power.

Elian de Montcorbier

A very good writer of more than 50 books and poetry came up with the idea of ​​writing a rock opera. The story is fictional with autobiographic elements and contains fiction but certainly also nonfiction and he has experienced a lot from this opera himself. In terms of text, the script continues into the songs so that it is forged into a whole concept.

Hire Stained

Hiring the rock pop opera stained for performance.

Feel free to contact us about performing the rock pop opera Stained.

Stanislaw Kirner

We Deliver all over the World!


Review Powerplay Magazine

Kirmon Projects
“Stained – The Disappearance of Good Heart Joe” Rock Opera
Rock Opera returns in the form of a modern day, old fashioned fairy tale about the live of
four young people during the Christmas season in a huge city. Elian de Montcorbier (writer
of more than fifty books and poetry) came up with the story (fictional but with
autobiographic elements, leaving Stanislaw Kirmer to provide the music that leads back to
1970s and 1980s and as expected, it’s not just rock music but swings between pop and
symphonic. Typical is the opening sequence where the instrumental overture gives way to
an explosion of squealing guitar histrionics and breathless vitality.
There is a familiar Deep Purple/Rainbow/Blackmore Hammond sound and tempo about
“Anarchy” that carries through to “fail” with the constant swapping of vocalists adding
clarity to the narrative elements and naturally we’re never too far away from a surge of
drama. “Go Back in Time” has a Maiden-esque delivery, while funky passages cross swords
with power ballads (nice solo break in “Star”) and angsty operatic divisions straight from
West End musical theatre. Unsurprisingly, there’s a build towards a sway of a flag waving
final with the title track that raises the grandiose and impassioned bars, and you can possibly
imagine the wintery scenes as our protagonists celebrate the season of goodwill.
Mike Ainscoe, Powerplay magazine, November 2023.

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